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 Processing Technology Services

Passionate About Inspiring Others

Daniskov is a leader in the dairy processing technology industry. We offer innovative and comprehensive solutions that are tailored to the unique needs of each individual customer. Our team of experienced professionals are dedicated to providing the highest quality services and products that are designed to help our customers succeed in making cheese, butter and cultured products.
Selection of the right starter cultures is part of our services as other ingredients.

We stay on top of the latest trends in the industry and use cutting-edge technology to develop solutions that are both cost-effective and efficient. Our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction is our top priority. From custom-designed solutions to comprehensive maintenance plans, Daniskov is the perfect choice for all your dairy processing technology needs.

My idea is to combine travel with consulting to help individuals or companies reach their goals. Now this can be done in a traditional way by paying for services, or on an gentlemans agreement, were expenses such as travel, lodging and meals a looked after by the client and final payment is expensed as we go along to the clients satisfaction.


Reading recommended: Napoleon Hill : "The Law of Success".

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